Blogs I Find Compelling

Monday, November 30, 2009

Why does God get the blame

My intension this week, was to post a follow up on my last post. However, when I saw this, my mind ceased to function along the path of that post. Check this out. This is so amazing to me, that when I read it, it took me right back to a "church related" school type setting in which the teacher was busy telling us that if we did not pay our offering (money placed in a plate at church services) we would go to hell. Let me quote that again: "If you do not pay your offering, you will go to hell." Does our creator need money?

If you read the link I posted, click here, you saw that a leader in this country thinks that the morality of his people caused these horrible disasters, and consequently their deaths. Apparently, these poor souls are so bad behaved, that God him self had to punish them by bringing all manner of natural disasters down on them.

Why would a loving God, a being that is the creator of the entire universe, be so petty as to destroy someone or ones for their lack of morality? He WOULDN'T! This is rhetorical. You see, morality has become and inseparable part of religion and this is a real problem. Now, I know that this will create a huge controversial storm, but it needs to be said. God did not invent religion! I'll say it again: God did not INVENT religion.....

Instead of pointing the finger of blame, condemnation and shame, is it not far better to rally around our fellow man? In the pursuit of following what Jesus said in John (3 I think): I am paraphrasing; I (Jesus) did not come in to the world to condemn it. So, let us not condemn but rally around and love each other. We are One Mankind.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fear Doesn't Always Cause Flight

I was recently discussing my "Oneness of Mankind" opinions with a friend of mine, and he said to me, that in his opinion, we can never have oneness unless we get rid of our fears. I think what he was angling at, was that fear instinctively cause a "flight" reaction that causes us to grow farther and farther apart.

The truth about fear, at least at the psychological level, is that the thing that we fear the most we tend to attract to ourselves by our behavior as it relates to the thing we fear. This sounds like the exact opposite of what we've been taught about the evolution of our species. Think about it for a moment, and you may discover the truth that is within this psychological state. You see, the longer your mind focuses on a particular thing, the more the subconscious arranges things for that thing to come to past. So, we have to be very carful about what we spend our time focusing on. For example: If you have a fear of attracting a "crazy" mate, you may discover that the people you've been dating, turned out to have a "crazy" streak in their personality. The focus is on the fear and not on the positive traits we all desire in a mate.

Fear is a very destructive state of emotion. What is it that we so fear that keeps us from becoming one with our fellow man? Do we fear the differences between us? What are those differences? Are we so different? In future post, we will try to disect and answer these and other questions, in an attempt to bridge and eradicate some of these fears. I will be inviting some fellow "thinkers" that I have come to respect a great deal, to join me in this discussion. Please stay tuned...